Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Bard

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.
(Hamlet, 1.2.123-6)

Monday, January 16, 2012

How True

See Clearly Now

You are just your mask. And cruelty.
Anything you ever pretended fell away and we see that which you always denied- that you are just the same, you are what you always hated and feared.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I will not let myself miss you.
Sorry. I wish you were too.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back to Work

Those perfect summer day were never real
the ideas couldn't last.
Adolescence held promises of days lying in the sun.
Content. Happy without fault. You grow up and the image fades. Reality sets in and the pain begins.
A day so perfect could never.
"these moments as beautiful as they are...are evil when they're gone"

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Like a child

I wish I never had to let go.

Dreams will still find you when I can not
I envy them.