Monday, July 23, 2012

The concept of beauty and the lie behind it.

Facial symmetry.
All of our ideas of beauty are left over reactions to times past when symmetry signified genetic health.
This is practically useless now-a-day. Society is a cruel invention filled with backwards ideas of insignificance and ugly. The pedestal of perfection that we call beauty is unattainable at most and at least is detrimental to our mental heath as a whole.
Beauty is our own cruel invention.
Ugly is now synonymous with different. But what is wrong with diversity? Going back to a strictly genetic school of thought, diversity is the goal. A large genetic pool eliminates problems that come with genetic disorders; a wider group of genetics to pull from means more combinations of genetic code and less ways that the code can be messed up. But that is thinking purely scientifically, something that can not be done 100% of the time.
Different is wonderful, it allows for the world to be seen in new ways and for thoughts and ideas that can bring about great periods of change. It is the different, the ugly, those that do not fit that have the ability to grow and bring about upheaval where it is so desperately needed in a society of close-minded people that spend their time setting a standard that can never be attained.
Think of how horrid of a life this is for anyone to be born into, they will never attain the perfection that is the obsession of society. We are beauty obsessed. There is no question about it. Those with any trait that is not considered the norm is stigmatized and pushed to the back both in social situations and financially. Those that are considered exceptional as far as beauty goes lead a different and easier life then someone considered to be ugly.
The secret though, is that this label of ugly comes with the opportunity to be stronger.
Beauty is a lie, the greatest and cruelest of all the lies.

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