Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Similarity between like Features of Two Things

Is is not up, or down hill.
Who came up with this 'we are on a hill' analogy?
It is never 'All up hill from here'
or "All down hill"
Which of those is the good one anyways?
It goes- not only up or down or left or right. It just goes.

If you have to make an analogy, use the ocean.
Waves, crashing, breaking, folding back to the sea.
Always in motion, never stoping...
Now there's an analogy!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Remember when:

It wasn't so hard.
but you had help
we were convinced we'd never gave up
-My turn

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I know this

This is the time I would want you. I know what used to happen- and I used to know where to go.
I'm so lost now. Not 'without you'
I got on before and I know it can happen, but I wish you were the one I still could turn to.
I wish I still had someone I knew who was there.

Isn't it sad.
Isn't it just awful.
So predictable, hurts just a much when you know it is coming.

Where'd they go
ones to be there

What happen to that, where'd that go

Sunday, December 4, 2011

So i'll just sit doing and knowing nothing while the world burns around me and others avoid my eyes. Won't I?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Everyone has things they are sorry for-

and I'm sorry for you.

I don't write here enough-it has gotten harder, even though I have more time.
I don't know what to do with myself, it just has gotten to hurt more
I can't write- and somehow that makes it worse then the hurt of writing.

I'm not bad.
I'm not good.
But I want better.

I know its coming-I'm just tired of the wait and the inbetweening.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm not sorry. But I wish you were.

It's not a matter of missing.
Life goes on,
things change
and i guess so do you.

I wish things could be like they were before.
But I know that they can not.

Don't you dare think it doesn't hurt me.
Didn't hurt me.

But I am not going to mourn someone who is already gone.

And don't ask me who this is about...if you have to ask. You don't need to know.
Remember, I make these for myself.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Again Tomorrow

Sometimes when I'm alone
I pretend that I'm a queen
It's almost believable

It's painful and never seems worth it.
Life is something to do when you can't get to sleep.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

it's the waiting that gets you
the waiting and watching yourself grow frail
always waiting

for the end
for him
for the storm to pass over

it never comes
it never goes away
your stuck
no more going forward
     and there is no back

just waiting

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Best Halloween movies...yup I'm doing this deal with it

1. HocusPocus- 300 year old black cat that was a boy and other stuff happens, makes me cry and I love it.
2. Nightmare Before Christmas-IT COUNTS OKAY!!
3. Halloweentown....it was my favorite as a kid
4. The Little Vampire -SCOTLAND
5. Cirque du freak -because I love Mr. Crepsley
6. Ghost - just a good movie in general really
7. Monster House
8. Edward Scissorhands
9. Ghost Busters :3 just...ya haha

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The World

-from a fellow nerdfighter

I make these for myself. Forget. Remember. Survive.

One of the worst feelings in the world is loneliness. Sitting in the dark by yourself in the wee hours of the night gently crying. Nobody knows what's going on with you.
Everybody you know is resting peacefully in their bed awaiting the new day tomorrow.But for you, there's no difference in the days. They pass monotonously.
But that's not true.
You can remember every one. Every single one.
And I can still remember what I was. Sometimes that's worse.
It is so hard to believe what it used to be like, how that could even have been. All those times, those bits before.

Like I made that all up
Maybe I did.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lonely? ...no title


it clings to you
like sweat
like fear
the wanting

if leaves you gasping
clinging for hands
for arms
something to hold

give me comfort
leave me alone

Monday, October 3, 2011

Really about homework...

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep

Thursday, September 29, 2011

-Mother Courage and all Her Children

Too many seek a bed to sleep in:
Each ditch is taken, and each cave
And he who digs a hole to creep in
Finds he has dug an early grave.
And many a man spends many a minute
In hurrying toward some resting place
You wonder, when at last he's in it
Just why the fellow forced the pace.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love Life ?

There is always one time I look back to.
One time of pure happiness. no worry. when the pain was not my own. or if it was I could handle it, it was normal pain. I would survive.
It was not complex. I didn't have to worry about myself. I could worry about others. And they loved me for it.
Now, I have to worry about myself. Or I will fall. I have to keep myself together and at the same time watch others slip away.
I don't have all of this in me.
Thats what I am.

I miss that time, the time the world was through rose colored glasses and even the imperfections were bliss.
But I cannot go back, and if I would I would know what I was missing. What it was that made me change.
Loseing what I gained would would hurt just as much, even if i was together I wouldn't be whole.

I can only look back now.
And say it was fun.
That time when everything was easy and the world would be okay

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Seagull. lifeyearago

... With us, whether we're writers or actors, what really counts is not dreaming about fame and glory...but stamina: knowing how to keep going despite everything, and having faith in yourself- I've got faith in myself now and that's helped the pain, and when I think to myself, 'You're on the stage!', then I'm not afraid of anything life can do to me ...

I miss it.

Perchance to Dream

Distance is only a matter of 
not all the rules are yours

Thoughtless Child came from the North wind
and Treacherous Betrayal from the South

Caught between water and sky
the water and wind will wear
the wood down until only the
water and wind remain


For the sake of another who wished 
herself away I will take you with me

Not now, not ever...
But you did
We must be patient: but I cannot choose but weep.

I wonder if I can fly
It was a lie
let your failures bind you
Little One
I wish I was still angry

Vows are but breath, and breath a vapor is.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Self Destruction

I love my anger

Almost as much
as I love my sadness

Even more then I despise everyone
who feels better then me

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I like Blade Runner

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion; I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Friday, September 2, 2011

What dose that mean

Home. Home. Home.
Everyone just wants to go home-

Where's that

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Summer Ends
          This next Life Begins

Goodbye my Love, Goodbye my friend-you have been the one for me

I haven't written on this in a while.
And I know why,
I can't escape it no matter how hard I try, I can't pretend that it is okay anymore.
You see, the moment I write on here-it is real and I have to face it...
It seems silly now that it has happen to be so afraid to write about it on here, The pain is there anyways.
there is no escaping that, and maybe that's a good thing.
I know I'm not coherent...I don't expect to be right now....But I could not let this spot be blank.

You're leaving, so am I.
In fact at this moment you are gone or I guess in the process of going
and I love you
and it hurts
and I expect that we are both crying our eyes out right now
We are okay.
We are going to be okay, and maybe right now we are feeling...not okay.
And I think we are aloud to feel not okay for the moment as long as it dose not last forever
"Not all tears are evil" 
 And sometimes they are needed.

But Darling-I love you so much and how ever much it hurts...it is a good thing.
The time will not be so long
And there is so much good to come from it.

So Love, don't forget me, and if you start to, I will remind you
 Waiting....it is not goodbye, See you soon.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


For West is where we all plan to go some day. It is where you go when the land gives out and the old-field pines encroach. It is where you go when you get the letter saying: Flee, all is discovered. It is where you go when you look down at the blade in your hand and the blood on it. It is where you go when you are told that you are a bubble on the tide of empire. It is where you go when you hear that thar's gold in them-thar hills. It is where you go to grow up with the country. It is where you go to spend your old age. Or it is just where you go.

Seems like people I love are all going West

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Playing in my mind

Don't test the ones you love
It'll only tear us down
If you want to feel alive
Then learn to love your ground

Darkness is a harsh term don't you think?
And yet it dominates the things I see

Close my eyes for a while
Force from the world a patient smile

Monday, July 25, 2011

CW? I don't know... 'Wash your eyes out'

Our darkness came for me again tonight
And I handing my thoughts over

It was lies all of it
That I ever saw your light
God how I wish it had been real
I wish I had a bit of
Your Light
To show me it was real, you weren’t pretending

Its gone now,
It never Was

Does that make a lie?
Telling what you suppose
What you think you should

Words that once said can not be taken back, or changed
Or said again
Now left with a question
I know it is true for me
But for you
What can I say of your I

What lovly inky shade
To hide my burning
To wash my eyes out

It broke me,
This darkness holding me down
Just when I had found a hand to help pull me out
My love
My lie

I wouldn’t trade you for anything
If only you could say the same 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A child said, What is the grass? -Whitman

A child said, What is the grass? fetching it to me with full
How could I answer the child?. . . .I do not know what it
 is any more than he.

I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful
 green stuff woven.

Or I guess it is the handkerchief of the Lord,
A scented gift and remembrancer designedly dropped,
Bearing the owner's name someway in the corners, that we
 may see and remark, and say Whose?

Or I guess the grass is itself a child. . . .the produced babe
 of the vegetation.

Or I guess it is a uniform hieroglyphic,
And it means, Sprouting alike in broad zones and narrow
Growing among black folks as among white,
Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the 
same, I receive them the same.

And now it seems to me the beautiful uncut hair of graves.

Tenderly will I use you curling grass,
It may be you transpire from the breasts of young men,
It may be if I had known them I would have loved them;
It may be you are from old people and from women, and
 from offspring taken soon out of their mother's laps,
And here you are the mother's laps.

This grass is very dark to be from the white heads of old
Darker than the colorless beards of old men,
Dark to come from under the faint red roofs of mouths.

O I perceive after all so many uttering tongues!
And I perceive they do not come from the roofs of mouths
 for nothing.

I wish I could translate the hints about the dead young men
 and women,
And the hints about old men and mothers, and the offspring
 taken soon out of their laps.

What do you think has become of the young and old men?
What do you think has become of the women and

They are alive and well somewhere;
The smallest sprouts show there is really no death,
And if ever there was it led forward life, and does not wait
 at the end to arrest it,
And ceased the moment life appeared.

All goes onward and outward. . . .and nothing collapses,
And to die is different from what any one supposed, and

Friday, July 22, 2011

There are only 10 types of people in the world

01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101

Friday, July 15, 2011

More old stuff from CW A 'me' poem, needs work

I am full of words
questions with no answers
answers who have no questions

      My mind is its own World
      Its own Lost Poem
      my Escape
      my Comfort
      my Insanity

I am full of colors
Paint overflows veins
watercolors in the rain

      My mind is its own World
      Its own Stained Glass
      my Escape
      my Comfort
      my Sanity

I am full of my life
memories weave in and out 
these Scars are my own

      My mind is its own World
      Its Forgotten Story
      my Escape
      my Comfort
      my Reality

I am full of others
all my family of no blood
the desire to help

      My mind is its own World
      my Escape
      my Comfort
      my Heart

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hey look I wrote this 3 months ago in Creative writing...that is all

You called me Strong
I Am
I am my own Rock
I am what I count on
Strong, invulnerable
I'll hold you up
   I say
I'll keep you safe
   I say
I'm here to help
                         But can I help myself

I am strong
Is it good to be?
Can let them in
And learn to count on them
Just a word
Open, vulnerable

You want to save me
         You say
You want to hold me
         You say
You want to help me
                              Will I let you?

This is the way the world ends this is the way the world ends

Not with a bang
   with a whimper "

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Not a cloud in the sky

Without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky. And on the cold wet dirt I cry.

    And it will keep
Not a cloud in the sky
 Let me keep on 

Friday, July 8, 2011

I Wish had come up with this...

When you love someone, you open yourself up to suffering. That's the sad truth. Maybe they'll break your heart, maybe you'll break their heart and never be able to look at yourself in the same way. Those are the risks. The thought of losing so much control over personal happiness is unbearable. That's the burden. Like wings, they have weight, we feel that weight on our backs, but they are a burden that lifts us. Burdens which allow us to fly. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I lied

Its okay
   Not bad
I didn't mean it
It dosnt hurt
    I'm sorry
                   Don't worry about it

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Who sends monsters to kill us,
And at the same time sings that we will never die,
Who teaches us whats real,
And how to laugh at lies.

Who chains us,
And who holds the key that can set us free,
It’s you

You have everything you need

so i just sit doing and knowing nothing while the world burns around me and others avoid my eyes

Monday, June 27, 2011

No it doesn't

It doesn't hurt
unless I walk
I don't feel pain
unless I try to talk
I don't even cry
unless I open my eyes
I don't need to kick or scream or curse
No, it doesn't hurt

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I should have rewatched this 5 months ago

What if it doesnt end badly
What if nothing goes wrong
 "Let it bend before it breaks"

Friday, June 24, 2011

Will this end well?

Shed no tears until seeing the coffin.
why does that comfort me so much

Monday, June 20, 2011

Let them go...and Dream

I want to say that I am being left. left behind while everybody moves away.
But my smart smart smart brain tells me that is dumb. It tells me that we all have to 'grow up'
That is... is terms of moving on and out and basicly continuing with our lives ...I am in fact never going to grow up I'm quite happy with me the way I am right now so why change that because the world says that you are at one time a 'child' and at another and 'adult' ...no
Anywho little rant beside.... 
I feel lonly. Abandoned. I usually do, it is easy for me to slip into that thinking, to assume everybody leaves. Or that they are going to. Maybe part of me is right. 
Yes, everybody DOES leave. Life happens they have to move, go to school, travel, the list is endless and that IS life. 
Life is motion. It is moving and leaving and learning and getting out there and seeing what you always dreamed was there.
So why does my mind tell me that is bad.
That it is pain.
That it is loss.
That it is hurt.
Why does it hurt so much to know that even though you love them they have to live. To ask them to do anything else is selfish and cruel.
Why do I want to tie down those that I love? Keep them here and cut them off from what they need to do.
"If you love them it let it go and if your lucky they will come back to you"
That annoying little saying is not about what I always thought- That if you love someone they will leave and then if they love you back they will come to you. I always thought so dark about it, that it was a horrible saying.
But it is not. It is good, it is hope. Hope. If you love them let them live their lives where they need to be and go. Let them see and experience and dream of new things to explore. 
And then if your lucky they can come back, even better then they were, having now see and done more then they ever hoped, and then you can be even happier. You will both have had your dreams and dreamt up new ones.
If you are lucky you will both come back together, even better then before. 
You will have given them their dreams, and then you can cherish them when they return.
And if they don't you can smile knowing that even just a small part of you has helped them to find their dreams, their life.
You can smile with yourself knowing you were not a selfish person. 
Knowing that they are happy.
And better for it.

I live this moment as my last

...All the scars from the
Nevers and maybes die

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The little things give you away

Time to more more things then I know.
I thought about college. And I felt sick.
The more I know the less I was to be.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I graduated today

I some the best moments of my life during high school. I decided I will always miss it and want to feel those ways again. But I will never want to be back in high school.

Friday, June 3, 2011

I can't hold on to me

Wonder whats wrong with Me

I want to stay in love with my sorrow.
Oh, but God, I want to let it go.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last day

today was my last day of highschool...and I dont know how to feel, or how to organize my thoughts or emotions.
What happens now
Where do I begin at the end
Why did I think it didn't matter-
when really it was the only thing that did
When are we 'ready' how do you know
Am I ready for this
Can I make it?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Upside down off the ground

...God I love you.

Yes sir you came and you took my breath,
My head is feeling a little light.
All right, I hope that you feel it too.
Oh everything you do.

I’m loving everything you do.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Every individual 
has a place to fill in the world, 
and is important, 
 whether he chooses to be so or not.

Why is it so comforting for me to know that, no matter what my choice on the matter, I am important and there is nothing I can do contrary to that

I have a place
I have a use
I am alive and therefore I will LIVE

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Why do they leave me all by myself?
Why do they use me and bring me down?
Why do they hurt me?
Why do they leave me?
Why doesn't anybody stick around?
Why doesn't anyone stay here?
Why do they leave me?
Don't they realize I'm a porcelain doll?
Fragile, helpless, unwanted
Lost, alone, unsure
Kind, demure, small
Fragile, helpless

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Kind of Weather

Love...love is something else. Its the weather being good everyday. Because wind and rain is just another kind of good weather. 
That's love.
~ Because you asked
Things happen.
And I'm just there.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

18 Tomorrow

I like Ska music

I like Birds
    I want to be a Bird. more than anything Else
  and I will always Be Sad because I
              can Never Be

I like Water
   Cold and loving
         distant; because I cant Breath
    I Try
         I can't
    I want to Live Underwater
              and Fly

I like You
   Because you are that
       no one else
   We can Fly.   Learn
   And play in the Sky
    Swim with the Stars
    rest with the Moon

Then there's Myself

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bella? ... oh gosh, shoot me...

Ya my life is following Twilight story line so far... ? WHAT???!!!
No I don't get it either....


Con te PartirĂ²

Time to Say Goodbye

Time to say goodbye.     --     Con te partirĂ².
Paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te,
adesso sì li vivrĂ².
Con te partirĂ²
su navi per mari
che, io lo so,
no, no, non esistono piĂ¹,

{Time to say goodbye.     --     I'll go with you
to countries I never
saw and shared with you,
now, yes, I shall experience them.
I'll go with you
on ships across seas
which, I know,
no, no, exist no longer,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

I miss you

Where ever I am you'll always be, more then just a memory
If I ever leave this world alive

"I'm okay, I'm alright. Though you have gone, from my life.
You said that it would now everything should
Be alright"

Monday, April 4, 2011

When Life Sucks, take a Nap.

So thanks.
Good to know you care Good to know you don't mind how much it hurts
Good to know how much I ever meant to you
Just so it is clear.
Don't worry, now I understand
Now there's no question of how much I mattered, nothing for me to worry about
I guess I thought we were closer. I guess I thought you understood more. I guess I expected more from you.
Sorry I thought too much of you.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

little cutie

I just Never went to Sleep

I didn't mean to stay up...but
every time I look at the clock all the numbers are the same.
not a good sign.

I am a problem

I am a problem
Stop telling me I'm not,
even you know its true
even I know there's no point in saying otherwise

Monday, March 28, 2011

By Sheer force of Will...

We can Learn to Fly

The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

The post before this...was the 42nd post...
I hope you understand what that means.

utterly Alone Again it feels like...

...but I'm not really, Am I? 
Everything feels worse at night. When your alone. When it is dark. When no one is caring about you. When you can't even care yourself.
Feel the pain. Feel despair.  
And let it go. 
Can you? Can I?

Why would You Listen To Me, I Can't even Listen to Myself

Don't listen to those little voices that tell you it is all a Lie.
It will end.
They felt nothing.
You were just an after thought...You will not mean anything soon...I will not mean anything. I will be forgotten.
Will I?

I can't help it right now, I can't even hold my own back, so how can I help yours? Can I? 
Will it make a difference?

Never Give up

You know its not alright-to feel like your falling into nothing
You can learn to fly

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Crying is Not Always a Bad Thing

Will you be My Lullaby?

Sweet as the sound of my newformed wings
I stretch them open, I let them dry
I haven't seen this world before
But I'm excused, I'm a butterfly
Sweet as the touch of your newborn wings
We fly in circles, we play with the sun
We haven't seen this world before
So fair, so bright, so blue the sky

Love me, love me on the leaves
Before we say goodbye
Love me, kiss me with the breeze
You will be my lullaby
Tomorrow I'll die
Be my lullaby
Love me, kiss me with your breeze
Love me, love me on the leaves
Before we say goodbye

Sweet as the wind as it gently blows
The day away. And the night time comes
Great are the wonders that silence shows
I fall asleep and I dream of the sun...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Love you still...now that I have, always will

You try to be strong
But you're always so alone
Whatever I do I do it wrong...
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
Hey my darling
Please don't let it 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Things to be Done

  • Live by the THREE E's - Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
  • Make time to pray daily
  • Play games
  • Sit in silence 5 minutes daily
  • Take a 10 to 30 minute walk 2-3 times a week
  • Smile at strangers
  • Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what they're experiencing in life.
  • Don't hold negative thoughts about things you can't control. Rather, utilize your energy toward positive thoughts.
  • Don't take yourself too seriously. Others probably don't.
  • Take time to dream a little while you're awake.
  • Don't dwell on envy which is a waste of energy. Enjoy what you already have, and the priceless gifts God has given to you.
  • Forget things of the past. You can't change what's happened. The best tonic is "forgive and forget".
  • You are the only one who can control your happiness. Don't be bitter. Life is way too short.
  • Good or bad, life is simply a pool of experiences. Learn from life's lessons. The problems will appear and eventually fade away.
  • Smile and laugh more.
  • Remember, it's not necessary to attend the invitation to argue
  • Daily, do something good to or for others
  • This may be tough… but forgive everyone, for everything.
  • Spend time with elderly people and young children.
  • Make three people smile each day.
  • What other people think of you is our of your control and not your concern.
  • Stay in touch with friends and loved ones. They are the ones who will care for you when you are sick
  • Always do what's best; Do the right thing.
  • Eliminate anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful.
  • Remember, God does heal everything, but it happens on HIS clock.
  • No matter the situation, good or bad, it will eventually change.
  • Regardless of how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
  • When you wake up in the morning, thank God for doing so.
  • Your Inner Spirit always remains happy. May this be your focus.
  • Keep all these thoughts in mind

My throat is sore

Everything in my head is singing

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Noone said life was fair, noone said that was right though

Somehow all I did today was cry. Inside. Outside.
Tears, yelling.
Anger at the sadness and at the idea of people hurting, People not liking, People crying.
The idea that people cannot understand one another.
The idea that people will not change.
And most of all knowing your not here right now.
It is not fair to them.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I smile when I talk to you.
When I think about you.
When I find my self thinking about you
...and sometimes for no reason at all I catch myself smiling and it's about you.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Let me introduce myself, I'm all smiles

I'm loving everything you do.

Can You imagine how much my face hurts from Smiling this much... a lot. Do you understand how freaking happy I am...so much that I don't care that my face hurts

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Never thought I would say this

One of the best days of my life.
Not even words
All I have is a big stupid grin

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lets all record our Descent into Madness

Being crazy is half the World the other half is Bacon

I'm full of good choices...and horrible ideas

Beautiful Disaster

He drowns in his dreams
An exquisite extreme I know
He's as damned as he seems
And more heaven than a heart could hold
And if I try to save him
My whole world would cave in
It just ain't right
Lord, it just ain't right

I'm secretly very secret.

It's very true. 
I discovered that I like my mysteries. I like knowing something that others don't.
It is not that I like holding knowledge over others; it is just that I like having something that is special to just me.
Little things that only I can know.
Is that mean? Am I cruel?

Explaining makes things Less Important.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Maybe there's a God above
And all I ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
It's not a cry you can hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah

SoS 8:6-7

Love is strong as death,
passion fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
a raging flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it.
If one offered for love
all the wealth of his house,
it would be utterly scorned.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

profound boredom =

88   ,adPPYba,   8b       d8   ,adPPYba,  
88  a8"     "8a  `8b     d8'  a8P_____88  
88  8b       d8   `8b   d8'   8PP"""""""  
88  "8a,   ,a8"    `8b,d8'    "8b,   ,aa  
88   `"YbbdP"'       "8"       `"Ybbd8"'  

Monday, January 24, 2011

I love Being Human

Hair cut. Have bangs now...they are sorta inbetween-ish. No sense I know right?
Last couple of days have sucked. Big giant loads of depressing horrible-ness and self loathing.
I can't even help others like I want to.
I need help. They need help. So I will help.
Or I will try.
I want to be the one who helps. To stop the hurts life gives us.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sick of those dang clouds

Have you seen my ghost?
Staring at the ground?
Have you seen my ghost?

Sick of those dang clouds

Are you some kind of medicine man?

Cut the demons out of my head
You cant kill something thats already dead
Just leave my soul alone
I dont need no surgery
Take those knives away from me
Just wanna die in my own body
A ghost just needs a home

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sexing...fruit flies

Sexing fruit flies...really kind of interesting. The lab report that comes afterwords about genetics...not so interesting. In fact kind of  horrible.
I need some sleep. Want to sleep. I think if I did, I would not wake up. Or at least I would try really hard not to.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Your Scotish...fry something!

Beans are evil....Bad bad beans.

I still love and sorta miss David Tennant and his 'Doctor' but...This is so freaking hilarious...BRAVO Matt Smith you are going to be quoted every time I eat yogurt or beans. Not a big victory on your behalf but hey, every bit counts?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Making you Wonder

if someone truly loves you, will they accept the secrets you have?

Saturday, January 1, 2011


We're monsters. We hurt each other, and try to convince ourselves it is for the best. We're human, we're flawed. There is something wrong with everyone of us, something none of us can fix, or would take the time to.
We live our lives around the pain. The pain that just is living; going on when we know no matter what we all tell ourselves nothing will change.

Its pain, and loss and hurt. Most of all the hurt of those we love most. The hurt that we cannot fix, sometimes even the hurts we bring onto others. And we can't change it, it's who we are.
But we can try, try to do enough good to out weigh the bad we do to ourselves and to others. We can pray and hope the way God helps us causes others the least amount of suffering.
It's all we can do.
"The 11th Doctor: The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant."